The University of the People will open its doors in April 2009


                                                  The University of the People 
                                        will open its doors in April 2009

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                                                                                                                 University of the People 



Our vision 

The University of the People promises to open the gates of higher education to anyone in the world interested in attending college. We believe that education at a very minimal cost is a basic right for all suitable applicants, not just for a privileged few. 

The University of the People is based on the premise that education is crucial to the advancement of individuals and of society at large. There are millions of people around the world, especially in third world countries, who are excluded from higher education for various reasons: some live far away from academic institutions, others cannot afford the admission fee and tuition for the local university. 
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Frequently asked Questions

What is University of the People?

University of the People (UoP) is the world’s first tuition-free, online academic institution and will open its virtual doors in April 2009. Founder and President Shai Reshef established UoP to combat the discrepancy between unprecedented access to the Internet, dropping technology costs and rising tuitions worldwide. UoP promises to revolutionize higher education by providing universal access to college studies-even in the poorest parts of the world.

What is the learning model for UoP and who are the students?

Comprised of students from around the world, the student body will learn through peer-to-peer teaching with the curriculum and support of respected scholars. Within the online study communities, students will share resources, exchange ideas, discuss weekly topics, submit assignments and take exams. The curriculum will be supported by respected scholars. A community of educators, comprised of active and retired professors, master level students and other professionals, will participate and oversee the assessment process. They will also develop ongoing procedures for curriculum evaluation and development.                                  


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 "Higher education shall be made 
      equally accessible by 
    every appropriate means, and in particular
    by the progressive introduction 
                of free education. "
   The United Nations / 1966

"The open-source courseware is there…We know that online peer-to-peer teaching works. Putting it all together, we can make a free university for students all over the world, for anyone who speaks English and has an Internet connection."  

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