Quick Update: Presentation Camp this Saturday was amazing! Thanks to everyone who came and contributed. Here are the tweets & pictures and slides from the event. The next PresentationCamp is in Seattle on April 4th.
SlideShare comes to your mobile phone!
 For all of you presentation junkies, you can now visit SlideShare on your mobile phones.
Just point your phone to http://m.slideshare.com/ (beta)
You can view popular, featured, or latest presentations. You can also search the site, login to save favorites and download to your mobile phone.
Of course we made a presentation about it and also have an FAQ.
All Your .pptx (and .docx) Are Belong to Us Yes, SlideShare is now a .pptx & docx hungry beast, so send them our way. You no longer need to save in earlier versions of Office before uploading to SlideShare.
So, by now we support all versions of Office on Mac & PC, and Keynote as well.
Conference Organizers & Speakers: Get Featured!
We got a huge response to our call for participating in our speaker & conference organizer directories. In case you missed it, here are the links again.
Speakers, we'll add you to our speaker directly and keep a watch on your conference presentations when featuring on our homepage. Join here.
Conference organizers who register might get a mention in our newsletter to 800,000 SlidesShare users if they provide a registration discount (e.g. coupon code).
Upcoming Events on SlideShare Museums & the Web – Indianapolis, USA April 14
5th Int'l TYPO3 Conference – Dallas, USA April 16
Next Gen. Data Center Conference – Beijing China April 22
ApacheCon, Amsterdam Netherlands, 23rd – 27th March