Fri 24 April, 2009
In case you are interested here's the info:
INFOSCALE 2009: The 4th International ICST Conference on Scalable Information Systems. 10-12 June 2009, Hong Kong, China.
In the last few years, we have seen the proliferation of the use of heterogeneous distributed systems, ranging from simple Networks of Workstations, to highly complex grid computing environments. Such computational paradigms have been preferred due to their reduced costs and inherent scalability, which pose many challenges to scalable systems and applications in terms of information access, storage and retrieval.
Grid computing, P2P technology, data and knowledge bases, distributed information retrieval technology and networking technology should all converge to address the scalability concern. Furthermore, with the advent of emerging computing architectures – e.g. SMTs, GPUs, Multicores. – the importance of designing techniques explicitly targeting these systems is becoming more and more important.
INFOSCALE 2009 will focus on a wide array of scalability issues and investigate new approaches to tackle problems arising from the ever-growing size and complexity of information of all kinds.
For further information visit
Update 2: Heroku has gone live!. Congratulations to the team. It's difficult right now to get a feeling for the relative cost and reliability of Heroku, but it's an impressive accomplishment and a viable option for people looking for a delivery platform.
Update: Heroku Architecture. A great interactive presentation of the Heroku stack. Requests flow into Nginx used as a HTTP Reverse Proxy. Nginx routes requests into a Varnish based HTTP cache. Then requests are injected into an Erlang based routing mesh that balances requests across a grid of dynos. Dynos are your application "VMs" that implement application specific behaviors. Dynos themselves are a stack of: POSIX, Ruby VM, App Server, Rack, Middleware, Framework, Your App. Applications can access PostgreSQL. Memcached is used as an application caching layer.
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1. 百姓网是做什么的? 百姓网(是互联网巨头EBAY旗下的个人生活信息网站,是个人房源、个人闲置物品转让、拼车、技能交换、物品交换、招工等各类生活信息的集散地。百姓网的研发人员一半以上都是从实习生开始,在实践中快速成长,成为现在的技术骨干,整个团队年轻而充满激情,卓越而互相帮助,而我们现在又开始敞开臂膀,欢迎有志于在互联网开发方向发展的同学们加入我们。
2. 百姓网能够提供什么?
a. 学习的机会:技术上的,最主要的是做事方式上的。
b. 培训:为期一周的与互联网开发相关的所有的基础,但是你需要通过考验。
c. 足够的工作量和压力:考试最高分是100分,工作没有最高分,只有更高分。
d. 80元/天的报酬。3. 主要的工作是什么?
a) PHP开发
b) 系统测试
c) 前端页面编写
d) 文档编写
e) 数据库和操作系统管理
f) 内部系统开发
g) ….
技术都是相通的,在你没有成为专家之前,我们的建议就是都做一下4. 我们需要怎样的学生?
a) 聪明(注:我们不以学习成绩来衡量一个人是否聪明)。
b) 有好奇心,能提问题,能解决问题。
c) 乐观,困难是不可避免的,但是遇到困难要越挫越勇。
d) 有过一些开发经验,有作品更好。
e) 当然要有足够的时间,一周至少有三天的时间可以实习。如果您对这个实习职位感兴趣,请把中文简历及作品(如有的话)发到:panxiaoliang [at],由于我们要对所有应聘人员进行集中测试,所以可能会晚些通知到您,请您谅解。