Spokeo just found 312 of your friends on 18 networks

Spokeo just found 312 of your friends on 18 networks!
We searched all 303 of your Gmail contacts across 41 social networks.

Here's what we found:
38   friends on Windows Live Spaces    (12%)
37   friends on Picasa    (11%)
16   friends on Hi5    (5%)
15   friends on Flickr    (4%)
12   friends on dailymotion    (3%)
11   friends on Slide    (3%)
9   friends on MySpace    (2%)
8   friends on Stumbleupon    (2%)
5   friends on Friendster    (1%)
3   friends on Amazon    (0%)
3   friends on iLike    (0%)
3   friends on imeem    (0%)
3   friends on Pandora    (0%)
3   friends on Flixster    (0%)
2   friends on PhotoBucket    (0%)
1   friends on PictureTrail    (0%)
1   friends on Multiply    (0%)
142   friends on the rest of the Web    (45%)







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