





Fwd: [New post] How to Get More Traffic

How to Get More Traffic

Scott Berkun | July 28, 2011 at 5:03 pm | Categories: General | URL: http://wp.me/pf2B5-1Oz

As soon as a blogger publishes their first post, their first question is: Where's all my traffic? Everyone assumes they're the only one seeking attention, when in truth nearly everyone is. It takes time to build an audience and no one gets much traffic without putting in the effort.

Here at WordPress.com we want you to get more traffic, and we build features and services to help. It's been awhile since we've told you about them, so here are our top recommendations:

  1. Update your About Page. One of the first things visitors to your site will want to know is something about who you are. If you don't update your About page to include a short bio, and they find a generic page instead,  they'll be disappointed. But if you briefly explain (two paragraphs is plenty) what the blog is about, and who you are, they'll be more likely to come back.
  2. Turn on Publicize. You can easily set up your WordPress.com blog to automatically share new posts out to your Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo or LinkedIn accounts. This increases your reach every time you publish a post.
  3. Turn on Sharing. With a few clicks, you can make it so any visitor can share a link to your post out to their social networks, their blog, or through email.
  4. Let readers subscribe by email. Email is often forgotten as a source of traffic. If you turn on the Subscriptions widget, people can choose to get notified of new posts on your blog, automatically, via email. It's a great way to keep them connected to your blog without any extra work for you, or for them.
  5. Post regularly. Pick a schedule that works for you – once a day, once  a week, once every two weeks, and stick to it. Mention that frequency in your About page, and put reminders on your personal calendar. It's only when people can expect regular posts that they'll be compelled to come back to see what you've written next. If you need ideas for posts, read and subscribe to DailyPost, where we give topic ideas and blogging advice every day. You can also use PressThis to quickly generate new posts while you are browsing the web.
  6. Write Well.  It's often unsaid, but better posts get more traffic. There's no sense in posting every day, if every post is boring or poorly written. It takes time to develop interesting ideas, and to edit posts to be concise and typo free. If people find a careless writer at work, they won't be back. What good is more traffic if the content they see isn't good enough for them to choose to return?
  7. Pick good titles. Blog post titles are like newspaper headlines. They need to be short and interesting to get people to want to see what's inside. It takes some thinking to get a title down to a short sentence, but it's time well spent. On Facebook and Twitter, all people will often see is the title and your link.
  8. Link to bloggers like you. When you link to another blog, they'll typically get notified (via a pingback) that someone has mentioned them. This will encourage them to visit your blog and, if they like what they find, link to you as well in their posts. But do it sparingly; too many links and we call it SPAM. If you find a post you like, excerpt a paragraph and link to the rest. Also check out Freshly Pressed and our Global Tags to find blogs with similar interests, and subscribe to their blog. You can use tags in your own posts so your work will surface there as well.
  9. Comment on other blogs like yours.  Every comment is an opportunity to show how well you write and think. When people read a great comment, they'll see your name, and the link to your blog, encouraging them to see what else you have to say. Identify good blogs on topics similar to your own, read and contribute sincerely.
  10. Respond to every comment you get. When people comment on your blog, they've invested a lot of their time. Reward them by answering questions and taking their feedback, and they'll come back again.
  11. Take requests.  Write a post requesting your readers (or your friends) to suggest topics to write about. Reach out to Facebook, twitter, or friends, for suggestions. Then let them know you've written about what they asked for. It's a great way to make sure everything you write will have at least one reader.
  12. Pay for traffic. Web applications like StumbleUpon can bring visitors to your posts with rates starting at $.05 per visit. If you’ve just published a great post and you really want some feedback from visitors, this can be a good way to get started. Companies looking for broader distribution, including getting content seen by journalists, should try services like PR Newswire.

Often you'll hear about get traffic fast schemes, but we don't believe in those sorts of things. There's not much magic or secrets necessary. The advice above, used thoughtfully, is more that sufficient to increase visitors to your blog.

Have other suggestions for what we can do to help you build traffic? Let us know.

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  从另一个角度看,很多地方商品交易所也正在探索自身的发展路径。朝现货角度发展,也成为很多"交易所"的共识。例如上海的几家钢铁大宗交易电子盘,其身上的投机性质已经日益淡薄,取而代之的是和物流、配送、仓储的结合。  "我们跟期货市场的区别会越来越大,"上海三大钢材电子市场之一的"钢之源"总裁刘胜喜说,淘宝网、京东商城是一个生活资料的网上市场,而现在自己做的是生产资料的网上市场,如今的经营模式主要是服务各类贸易商,帮助他们进行现货的配送,"未来我们可以做到每天都能交货。你可以挑规格、挑品牌、挑地方。"刘胜喜说,这个行业未来必将出现类似淘宝网这样的市场,"跟期货可以说是像孪生兄弟,早年长得很相似,长大后则会走上自己的道路。"  可以说,一部分"交易所"已经在尝试走上一条"去期货化"的道路。

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Fw: Dropbox的成本估算

From: (author unknown)
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2011 11:27 PM
Subject: Dropbox的成本估算





加拿大程序员Michael Woloszynowicz,就为Dropbox算了一笔账,估计了一下它每个月的总支出。


Dropbox没有自己的存储设备,所有文件都放在租来的Amazon S3服务上面。
























(4)这占总用户的比例为1.1%–1.8%。也就是说,当用户转化率(customer conversion rate)不低于2%时,dropbox才不会亏损。




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Fwd: 千万个祝福:新年快乐 (Google的乐捐信)

———- 已转发邮件 ———-
发件人: Google <google-noreply@google.com>
日期: 2010年12月23日 上午2:35
主题: 千万个祝福:新年快乐
收件人: ×××××××@gmail.com


在您的大力支持下,Google 得以在此季为世界各地的慈善机构捐助两千万美元。他们会用这些捐助款帮助改善五千多万人的生活状况。点击此处了解这个目标是如何得以实现的。

感谢您对 Google 今天所取得成就的大力支持。这一切成果的取得与您是分不开的。

愿您拥有美好的 2011 年。


  (c)2010 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043  


Fwd: Temple of the Mind

维基百科 吉米.威尔士 新年募捐信

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia <******@wikimedia.org>
Date: 2010/12/15
Subject: Temple of the Mind
To: *******@gmail.com>

Dear xiao**,

Thank you for your donation to this year's fundraiser. 

We're a little more than half-way toward our 2010 goal. We want to take down the fundraising banners from Wikipedia by January 1, as usual. But we have long-overdue upgrades to our infrastructure planned for the year ahead. So our goal is bigger this year than usual.

That's why I'm hoping you won't mind if I ask you to help again with a small monthly recurring gift of $3, $7, $13 or whatever you choose. It's easy to do right here: 


Of course, you can also make another one time gift to help get us to our goal.

Most people don't know this, but I'm a volunteer.

I don't get paid a cent for my work at Wikipedia, and neither do our thousands of other volunteer authors and editors. When I founded Wikipedia, I could have made it into a for-profit company with advertising banners, but I decided to do something different.

Commerce is fine. Advertising is not evil. But it doesn't belong here. Not in Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is something special. It is like a library or a public park. It is like a temple for the mind. It is a place we can all go to think, to learn, to share our knowledge with others. It is a unique human project, the first of its kind in history. It is a humanitarian project to bring a free encyclopedia to every single person on the planet.

Every single person.

If all of Wikipedia's 400 million users would donate $1 each, we would have 20 times the amount of money we need. We're a small organization, and I've worked hard over the years to keep us lean and tight. We fulfill our mission, and leave waste to others. 

To do this without resorting to advertising, we need you. It is you who keep this dream alive. It is you who have created Wikipedia. It is you who believe that a place of calm reflection and learning is worth having.

Please consider making a sustaining monthly donation of whatever amount you like to protect and sustain Wikipedia.



Jimmy Wales 

Wikipedia Founder 


P.S. — If you can't commit to a recurring monthly donation, I hope you'll consider making another to help us reach our goal before the end of the year. Please make your donation today.

Wikimedia Foundation
P.O. Box 894879
Los Angeles, California 90189-4879
United States

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the story of a menthol pig






